Burkina Faso: Kidnapping of Serge Oulon, l’Evénement’s newspaper publishing director

Kidnapping of Serge Oulon: The newspaper l’Evénement still without news of its publishing director
This is a press release from the investigative newspaper L’Evenement following the kidnapping of its publication director, Atiana Serge Oulon, on the morning of Monday June 24, 2024. 
The newspaper points out that his computer and cell phones were seized. 

According to the press release, the newspaper has still not heard from him. 

Below is the full press release. 

During the morning of Monday, June 24, 2024, individuals arrived in an unmarked vehicle, kidnapped our Publication Director, Atiana Serge Oulon from his home and took him with them to an unknown destination. We also learned that his computer and mobile phones were seized. 

As of this writing, we have still not heard from him. This kidnapping comes as L’Événement BF is suspended for a period of one month from June 20, 2024 by the Superior Council of Communication. An unfair and abusive sanction against which we have decided to appeal before the administrative court. 

The regulatory body accuses the bimonthly of ”failures” in the article entitled: ”400,000,000 FCFA from the VDP embezzled, Captain Prospère Boena left with his testimony”. 

Let us remember that today, the trial for defamation and public insults that we brought against Adama Siguiré is being held at the Ouaga I High Court. A trial that our publishing director was supposed to attend. 

The Event calls on the transitional authorities on their sovereign duty to respect the laws in force in Burkina Faso and holds them responsible for any attack on the moral or physical integrity of its Publication Director. 


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